House prices in Croydon
The current average house price* in Croydon is £363,648
Remember, property prices in Croydon fluctuate regularly and may not always follow trends seen in the rest of the UK. We strongly advise getting an up-to-date property valuation before you sell.
*Average house price is based on data from Land Registry's price paid data and is an average for this branch area in the year 2019 to date.
We can help you buy, sell, rent or let a property in Croydon
Whether you are buying or selling a property in Croydon, or you’re looking to rent or let out your property, our specialists have the local market knowledge and services to help you:
• Free property valuations (selling and letting)
• Mortgage advice
• Conveyancing advice
• Database of thousands of prospective tenants and buyers
• Extensive choice of properties to for sale and to rent
• Investor services team
All the properties that we are marketing are promoted on popular websites such as and
The Property Services Croydon office is open Monday to Saturday at 74 Southbridge Road, Croydon,CR0 1AE. Pop in or give us a call to get started.
74 Southbridge Road, Croydon, CR0 1AE
Recently Sold
In the last week, there have been 10 properties sold and 23 properties let in Croydon.
Here are some of our recently sold and let properties.
Properties Sold:
3 bed End of Terraced House CR0 £425,000
2 bed Flat / Apartment CR0 £300,000
2 bed Mid Terraced House CR0 £300,000
2 bed Flat / Apartment CR0 £315,000
2 bed Mid Terraced House CR0 £290,000